Riverine Women after Resettlement

The Case of the Belo Monte Hydropower Dam Project






Traditional riverine settlements, resettlement, gender, riverine, livelihood, tradition


The construction of Belo Monte Hydropower dam has resettled riverine communities from their homes to the outskirts of the city of Altamira, kilometres away and disconnected from the river. Resettlement can be a threat to both women and men’s adaptation in the new environment, whereas the lack of in-depth studies regarding gender policies and local traditional communities can create even more obstacles for women. The disconnection that stems the resettlement from these individuals has resulted in the loss of their spatial identity and livelihood. This situation caused local traditional people to share resettlement units with city dwellers, thereby jeopardising their traditions and distancing them from both the river and their livelihood.

How to Cite

Maia Patchineelam, S. (2021). Riverine Women after Resettlement: The Case of the Belo Monte Hydropower Dam Project. SPOOL, 8(3), 43–56. https://doi.org/10.7480/spool.2021.3.5120





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