Identifying particular places through experimental walking
Experimental walking can be used to identify particular places, design strategies and spatial visions for urban landscapes. Walking designers can explore sites and, in particular, their temporal dynamics and atmospheric particularities – both essential elements in making particular places. This article illustrates the benefits of this method, using the changing German city of Freiburg as an example.
How to Cite
Schultz, H. (2016). Identifying particular places through experimental walking. SPOOL, 3(1), 57–66.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Schultz, H., (2014). Designing large-scale landscapes through walking. In: Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA) 2014/2. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
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Seggern, H. v., Werner, J., & Grosse-Bächle, L. (2008). Creating Knowledge: Innovationsstrategien im Entwerfen urbaner Landschaften. Berlin: Jovis, 252-265
Sinclair, I. (2005). London Orbital. London, United Kingdom: Penguin.
Solnit, R. (2000). Wanderlust: A History of Walking. New York, NY: Viking.