Bio-cyber-Physical Systems, Computational Design, Robotic Production and Operation, Artificial Intelligence, Residual Space, Minimal InterventionAbstract
Minimal interventions that provide various microclimates can stimulate both biodiversity and social accessibility of leftover spaces. New habitats are often developed for different animal and plant species based on studies of the microclimates typical of such residual spaces. By introducing interventions of 0.5-1.0 m diameter ‘planetoids’ placed at various locations, existing and new life is supported. The ‘planetoid’ described in this paper is prototyped by means of Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Operation (D2RP&O). This implies that it is not only produced by robotic means, but that it contains sensor-actuator mechanisms that allow humans to interact with them by establishing a bio-cyber-physical feedback loop.
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