Why Make the World Move?
Why Make the World Move?


  • Keith Evan Green Cornell University Ithaca, NY





Adaptive environments, Architectural robotics, Interactive Environments, Theory, Human-Machine Interaction, Intelligent Systems, Internet of Things, IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems, CPS


The next horizons of human-computer interaction promise a whirling world of digital bytes, physical bits, and their hybrids. Are human beings prepared to inhabit such cyber-physical, adaptive environments? Assuming an optimistic view, this chapter offers a reply, drawing from art and art history, environmental design, literature, psychology, and evolutionary anthropology, to identify wide-ranging motivations for the design of such “new places” of human-computer interaction. Moreover, the author makes a plea to researchers focused in the domain of adaptive environments to pause and take a longer, more comprehensive, more self-reflective view to see what we’re doing, to recognize where we are, and to possibly find ourselves and others within our designed artifacts and systems that make the world move. 

How to Cite

Green, K. E. (2017). Why Make the World Move?. SPOOL, 4(1), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.7480/spool.2017.1.1912





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