Public space for refugees: community facilities in the context of permanent temporariness
Public space for refugees: community facilities in the context of permanent temporariness


  • Juliette Bekkering Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Sjef van Hoof Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Kornella Dimitrova Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Eefje Hendriks Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Michiel Riedijk TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Rick Krosenbrink TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Peter van Sorgen Koninklijke Landmacht




long term public facillities, refugee camps, design toolbox


At this moment in history, a staggering 60 million refugees rely on international help - the highest number of displaced persons ever. A large variety of solutions have been developed that cater for primary needs. However, long-term public and community facilities have been neglected.

This project is addressing the necessity of dignifying community facilities in the context of permanent temporariness in refugee camps. Twelve plans for public buildings are developed, each with a different program. During the coming spring, certain parts of these projects will be built in scale 1:1, as part of the building exercises of the battalion of genie troops.

In order to develop these prototypes, a variety of camp types, public building types and techniques have been researched and analysed. All together these studies have been assembled in a catalogue, intended as a toolbox for designing public buildings for refugees.

How to Cite

Bekkering, J., van Hoof, S., Dimitrova, K., Hendriks, E., Riedijk, M., Krosenbrink, R., & van Sorgen, P. (2017). Public space for refugees: community facilities in the context of permanent temporariness. SPOOL, 4(2), 33–37.


