Thematic issue:
3TU.BOUW PDEng projects
Three Dutch Universities of Technology decided to collaborate as 3TU.Bouw Center of Excellence for the Built Environment. This issue of SPOOL is dedicated to the so-called PDEng projects that are related to the theme ‘Energy and the Built Environment’.
PDEng is a two-year track that leads to a professional doctoral degree in engineering. University graduates work during this time in close collaboration with the industry on an urgent and relevant topic.
5 projects / xx pages
E-ISSN 2215-0900
Issue editors
Ir. Siebe Bakker, bureaubakker Delft
Dr.ir. Frank van der Hoeven, TU Delft
This project is focused on providing movable-temporary sustainable housing at derelict locations in cities, for young people / graduates / singles / expats / professionals in the European market. The goal is to act as the missing link between innovative small and medium enterprises in the sustainability and energy efficient sector (SME’s) and their target audiences i.e. residences. It is a new housing concept that provides residential solutions and living lab facilities for innovative energy technologies. It is a solid quality solution at affordable rental price, at central locations...
The need for innovative and cost effective approaches for infrastructure maintenance has never been more crucial. In fact, this has been a popular topic in technical reports like the McGraw Hill Construction, the Dutch Cobouw construction magazine and the new multidisciplinary journal “Infrastructure Asset Management” by the Institution of Civil Engineers. The financial status of Industrial Parks (IP) and Business Parks (BP) in the Netherlands, as well as in the rest of the world, has been greatly influenced by the 2007-2008 financial crisis. As a consequence, several IPs and BPs have...
A good school environment is paramount to the performance and health of the pupils and teachers. However, the quality of school buildings in the Netherlands is in general not so good, with 80% of them not complying with good practices for the indoor environment, while having high energy costs. When tackling these issues, School Boards around the country have two options: building new facilities, or upgrading the existing ones. Although they usually prefer new buildings, municipalities around the country are promoting the alternative. This presents opportunities for the sustainable...
Renovation of existing buildings is known as an essential stage in reduction of the energy loss. Considerable part of renovation process depends on geometric reconstruction of building based on semantic parameters. Following many research projects which were focused on parameterizing the energy usage, various energy modelling methods were developed during the last decade. On the other hand, by developing accurate measuring tools such as laser scanners, the interests of having accurate 3D building models are rapidly growing. But the automation of 3D building generation from laser point...
Luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) is a device that has luminescent molecules embedding or topping polymeric or glass waveguide to generate electricity from sunlight with a photovoltaic cell attachment. LSCs can be employed both in small and large scale projects, independent on the direction or angle of the surface with respect to the sun, promising more freedom for integration in urban environments compared to the traditional PV systems. The aim of the SEB&C PDEng project is to investigate the applicability of this innovative technology in the built environment and to bridge the...